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0 名前::2006/03/21 09:05
次の二つの文を( )の部分を先行詞にして、関係代名詞を用いて一つにしなさい

My mother likes (this book.) The book has a lot of nice pictures.

(The cars) are made in Germany. The cars are sold at that shop.

This is (the city.) T was born in the city.

(The boy) is my friend. He is running over there.

Do you know (the woman?) He introduced her to me.

(The man) is coming to our school. He painted that picture.

I have (an aunt.) Her son is a doctor.

I know (the man.) Mary give him a chocolate.

She is (the girl.) I went to the movies with her.

Mr. Brown is (the person.) She sold her house to him.

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