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276 名前:名無しさんを押してくれる風がある:2005/01/19 03:38
 In the course of a lifetime, everyone makes many choices. Some
choices are not very important, like deciding what to have for dessert
at the end of a meal. But others are very important, sometimes changing
the direction of our lives. Choosing a university is one of those
important choices. Maybe it is one of the first big choices you have
made on your own, without being influenced by your parents.

 I am glad that you have chosen to apply for admission to Sophia
University, and I congratulate you for making a good choice. You have
chosen a university education that will prepare you very well for the
global society that is changing so rapidly all around us. You will be able
to master English and other foreign languages that are so important for
playing an active role in today's world. You will find a curriculum that
gives you a thorough grounding in one specialization plus a broad
general knowledge.

 You will receive personalized direction from dedicated faculty
members. You will study together with students coming from 50
different countries.

 I wish you luck in the entrance examination and look forward to
welcoming you to Sophia in April.
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